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Alexis Navarro was born in Guadalajara, Mexico and raised in Los Angeles. Obtained degrees in architecture from ELAC (A.A), Cal Poly Pomona (B. Arch) and UCLA (M. Arch). In prior experience, has worked on numerous projects, types and scales, from residential to museums, with a number of noted architects including five years with Richard Meier on the Getty Center. Presently is active with residential private clients and as a developer-real estate investor. In addition, he is an educator for over two decades, as a professor at ELAC, and as an adjunct at Art Center College of Design, Woodbury University. He is a guest design critic at numerous southern California universities and colleges.

— Alexis Navarro

I pursue creative solutions that are intelligent, inspired and beneficial in people's lives

Three values inspire my design approach:

Good design will have a long and appreciated life as it will be a positive force for many years.

Inspired design is not a luxury, it just takes more time and a persistent search.

People's needs and aspirations, no matter their budget and place in society deserve good design